New LinkedIn Group formed to discuss Best Practices in Freight Management

For the past several years I have been a participant in and fan of LinkedIn.  It is an amazing social media tool for business.  Recently I have joined and studied the discussions in a variety of LinkedIn freight transportation groups.  There are many of them available to transportation professionals.  Some deal with LTL freight, procurement, load postings, networking and recruitment, to name just a few. 

Since Best Practices in Surface Freight Management is a passion of mine and a focus of my business, I thought it would be valuable to create a separate group to exchange ideas on this important topic.  Effective today, I have launched this group on LinkedIn. 

The Mission of the Group

Freight Management Best Practices welcomes transportation professionals interested in sharing, developing and implementing innovative and cost effective Best Practices in Surface Freight Transportation.  We encourage members to discuss the challenges, opportunities and changes facing shippers and carriers in the freight transportation industry.  Our goal is facilitate the sharing of knowledge and create a dialogue between shippers, carriers and other industry professionals.   The intent is to identify and improve processes, to reduce inefficiencies in order for shippers to derive the best value from their transportation spend.

Topics for Discussion

The intent is to create a forum to discuss the full range of topics associated with running a Best in Class freight management operation.  The group’s topics will include Best Practices in:

ü    Transportation Strategy – as part of a company’s Supply Chain Strategy, how to develop strategies that will differentiate a company from its competitors and give it a competitive advantage

ü    Packaging – designing innovative packaging that will minimize cube utilization and damages

ü    Loading/Unloading – Best Practices in loading/unloading trailers, containers and boxcars including the use of software that optimizes cube utilization

ü    Network Optimization – Best Practices to create the most efficient transportation network

ü    Procurement of Freight Services – Best Practices to select the most cost and service effective carriers, logistics providers and modes

ü    Technology to manage freight transportation – Transportation Management Software (TMS) and other software solutions that allow shippers to optimize the management of their freight spend

ü    Carrier Performance Management – The creation of key performance indicators (KPI’s) and the management of freight carriers to ensure communication, compliance, quality service and collaboration

ü    Private Fleet Utilization – Best Practices on how to run an in-house fleet and/or when to consider outsourcing to a for-hire carrier or logistics provider

ü    Border Crossing – Best Practices on how to move goods across the NAFTA borders as expeditiously and cost effectively as possible

ü    Energy Efficiency – Best Practices in how incorporate energy efficient processes in freight management

ü    Freight Audit and Payment – Share ideas on how to best manage freight expenditures

      Who can join?

First you have to have a LinkedIn profile.  Once you are on LinkedIn, the group is open to shippers, carriers, consultants, logistics service providers, software vendors, government officials, trade associations, media and other transportation professionals who have expertise or an interest in North American surface transportation.  Sales solicitation of freight, software or consulting services is not permitted in the group.  Those interested in recruiting transportation professionals or posting loads can join one or more of the other LinkedIn groups that have a focus in this area.  Please join the group and share your Best Practices with your colleagues.

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